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Our Credentials:
- Almost 100 masks sold
- family friendly
- Sold in bulk and individually
- Can make masks for businesses, just finished an order of 20 for MIT.

My name is Rehaan. I am 13 years old, and I am passionate about sewing and fashion.   

I started this business so that I can keep others safe and happy by giving them homemade masks. 

So far, I have shipped masks to New York, Virginia, Illinois, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Indiana, Colorado, Arizona, and Pennsylvania. Maybe your hometown could be next!

All of our masks offer a lightweight, versatile, and fully adjustable design, so you’re guaranteed to have a mask you can wear all day comfortably. Also, you can completely customize your mask from our large inventory of fabrics and designs to get the specific mask that you want. Our masks also offer incredible quality, each mask is handmade using only the finest materials providing a durable and tough mask.

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